Thursday, December 23, 2010

What is your gift to the Lord?

My friend Eileen Nomdo gave me this story by Major Teck Fung, Regional Officer, East Malaysia Region:

By now most of you will have found suitable Christmas gifts for your loved ones, relatives and friends.
We give gifts to share the spirit of Christmas with those around us. We try our best to buy a "special gift" for each person to whom we want to express our love and care.
A long time ago, as recorded in the Bible, there were three wise men who searched for the star. They prepared the most expensive gifts - gifts fit for a king - for our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings who came from heaven to earth to save humankind. Those wise men followed the shining star and diligently searched for the King. When they found him, they presented him with their expensive gifts.
(Matthew 2:1-11).
There is a legend that of a "fourth wise man". He could not catch up with the three wise men. He came alone with his servant and brought with him four precious stones to give to the King of kings.
Along the way, he met some poor families and needy people. So he sold three of the precious stones and with the money he helped these poor people. He kept only one of the precious stones, and said to himself that he would present this to the King when he met him.
Along the journey he came upon a group of lepers, who tried to rob him. He had pity on them and tried to treat the lepers. He sold his last precious stone to buy medication for them.
Thirty years passed, and then one day, he heard shouts: "The King of kings Jesus is being crucified on the cross!" He went and looked at the cross and saw the King of kings being crucified from afar. The light from the cross shone upon him and immediately his old and discarded body was healed and he felt young again.
He walked up to the cross and said, "Thank you, Lord, At last I can see you, But I have nothing to give you except my body."
Jesus replied, "You are not late, you can still serve me,"
Yes! A physical gift is not given, but rather, the "fourth wise man" presented his body as a living sacrifice. It is never too late if we are willing to give our all to the Lord. We give gifts to our loved ones and friends. What is our gift to the Lord Jesus Christ? Will it be like one of the expensive gifts the wise men gave, or will we give our lives to serve him faithfully?

May God's richest blessing be upon you.
Have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.

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